Das neue Muster DEWD von Maria und Rick bereitet mir richtig viel Freude! Wäre das Töchterchen nicht andauernd krank, würde ich noch viel mehr tanglen ;-).... Hier mein Nachteulen-Beitrag zum Diva Challenge #343. Vielen Dank an Laura.
DEWD is the new official tangle Zentangle HQ released a little while ago. I really love this tangle, it is so much fun! Unfortunately there is no much time to tangle last weeks. Little girl is ill all the while...
Here you can see my nightowl-tiles from Lauras weekly challenge #343.... Thank you Laura and get well soon.

Ich wünsche dir ein schönes erstes Adventswochenende mit viel Zeit für dich!
Danke, dass du vorbeigeschaut hast. Ich freue mich immer sehr über deinen Kommentar :-).
Have a nice weekend with first Sunday in Advent and much time just for you! Thank you for stopping by.
I am always very delighted reading you comment :-).
Kommentar schreiben
Annemarie (Samstag, 02 Dezember 2017 08:34)
All are beautiful, but the third one is my absolute favorite! I do hope your daughter will recover soon.
LezliB (Samstag, 02 Dezember 2017 20:56)
Looks like you and Dewd are best of friends. Your tiles are beautiful and I love the way you draw Dewd! I'm still working on making friends with the tangle. I don't think I could pick a favorite, but I just wanted to say that the birthday card is wonderful and I may have to borrow the idea because I have a son with a birthday and a daughter with one next week. I hope your daughter gets well very soon.