Dieses Muster namens BELIEVE habe ich von einer Serviette dekonstruiert. Nachdem ich eigentlich schon längst gedacht hatte, das ginge nicht, fiel irgendwann der Groschen.
Es ist herrlich einfach, dabei sieht es doch ganz schön komplex aus. Das liebe ich ja sehr an dem einen oder anderen Zentangle Muster! Strich für Strich ergeben sich Muster - und sehen sie noch
so komplex aus. Schritt für Schritt dürfen wir an uns glauben und in den Prozess vertrauen.
I deconstructed this pattern BELIEVE from a napkin. After I had actually long thought that this would not work, at some point the penny dropped. It is wonderfully simple, yet it looks quite complex. That's what I love about the one or other Zentangle pattern! Stroke by stroke, patterns emerge - and they still look so complex. Step by step we are allowed to get used to ourselves and the process.
Hier siehst du den Stepout für BELIEVE:
Here you can see the stepout for BELIEVE:

Zu Schritt 5: Jeder Schenkel der inneren Dreiecke bekommt ein Dach, das jeweils mit der Spitze das äußere Dreieck bzw. die gegenüberliegende Dachspitze berührt.
To Step 5: Each leg of the inner triangles gets a roof, each with the tip touching the outer triangle or the opposite roof tip.

Im Grunde ist BELIEVE ein Fragment, das in jedes dreieckige Gitter gefüllt werden kann. In meinen Zoom Workshop "HOPP IN_Believe in yourself" am 5.11.2022 hatten wir viel Freude mit dem Muster BELIEVE...
Basically, BELIEVE is a fragment that can be filled into any triangular grid. In my Zoom workshop "HOPP IN_Believe in yourself" last Saturday, we had a lot of fun with the pattern BELIEVE...
....und meiner Kachel "Believe in yourself". Bei dieser Kachel rahmt BELIEVE das Muster DELWHY von Stephanie Jennifer ein. Seht selbst:
....and my tile "Believe in yourself". In this tile, BELIEVE frames the pattern DELWHY by Stephanie Jennifer. See for yourself:
Kommentar schreiben
Maxine Erickson (Mittwoch, 30 November 2022 21:13)
I can only follow the instructions from 1 to 4 , where the other lines go is a complete mystery. it doesn't make sense to me the lines go all over the place If you could show the step 5 in red it may help.
Carla Szczuka (Mittwoch, 30 November 2022 22:43)
Believe to me is a beautiful tangle. I agree with Maxine Erickson, that I can only do steps 1-4. I did notice, being left-handed, that in Steps 1,2, the diagonal line goes from bottom left to upper right corner, a right-handed way. Steps 3-4. the diagonal line goes from upper left to bottom right, a left-handed way. Steps 5-6, the line goes back to the right handed way. Doing Step 5 in red would help.
Jannie Hofmeyr (Donnerstag, 01 Dezember 2022 08:21)
Beautiful tangle! Rotate the step 3 and 4 tiles by 90 degrees and all will be clear.
Eve (Freitag, 02 Dezember 2022 01:37)
Maybe I can help.
Step 1 - two triangles.
Step 2 - six triangles.
Step 3 - six smaller triangles, each within a larger triangle.
Step 4 - a line from the outer corners of each smaller triangle to the inside corners of the larger triangles.
Step 5 - a line from two outer corners of each smaller triangle to meet at the side of the outer triangle. This will make an even smaller triangle in the space between the smaller and larger triangles.
It may help you to practice by drawing a single triangle with equal length sides. Draw a smaller triangle inside and go from there. Once you understand how to do it in a triangle with equal length sides it’ll be easier to do it with the elongated triangles.
Donald Wilka, CZT10 (Dienstag, 20 Juni 2023 03:55)
There is a reason why it is helpful to do new strokes in a different color. It makes it a whole lot easier to see what is done. Also is helpful that when you take a picture of a tile that you keep it oriented the same way in each shot.